What is Iridology?
Iridology is a 3000 year old art and science that is non-invasive, inexpensive, and is a painless system of assessment for an individual’s organs based on an examination of the iris.
The Proper Perspective
When iridology is practiced with a holistic perspective, it reveals genetic predispositions that can be seen in the iris structure from birth. Changes that take place in the iris, sclera, pupil, cornea and conjunctive throughout a person’s life also provide valuable information. Thus, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of a person’s tendencies can be evaluated. This information greatly increases the individual’s opportunity to get to the root cause of dis-ease and subsequent disease. Therefore, congenital predispositions can be treated with a preventive approach decades before the onset of a dis-ease, thus taking advantage of what is termed today as epigenetic. The practice of iris analysis or iridology may also be referred to as systemic assessment through external ophthalmic examination.

It is very important to point out that the current, allopathic, conventional, Western medical establishment does not fully understand how iris analysis (iridology) is properly used. The people that represent this paradigm do not understand what iridology can and cannot do. Iridology is not used for diagnosing. Mistakenly, then subject this 3000 year old practice to the biased scrutiny of a paradigm that is focused on diagnosing disease conditions and attempts to suppress symptoms through the use of toxic pharmaceutical drugs, invasive surgeries and nuclear radiation. However, there are opened minded and progressive, allopathically educated physicians around the world who understand and utilize iris analysis in their daily practice with an integrative philosophy.
Holistic Iridology® belongs to and resides in the [paradigm of naturopathic, interrogative and preventative healthcare. Contrary to diagnosing, when practiced properly, It is a non-invasive, effective tool for getting at the root causes of ill health through the assessment if hereditary predispositions and acquired conditions as well as a person’s overall levels of health from a holistic perspective.
David J. Pesek, Ph.D.

Iridology – An Overview
Many people today have heard the old saying “Your eyes are the window to your soul”. With the ever increasing health issues we are faced with today, many people are talking about how we can see our level of health through looking at our eyes or facial features.
From a physiological aspect, the eyes are connected to every organ and tissue of the body and continuous with the brain’s dura mater and fibrous sheath of the optic nerves. The optic nerve connects to the spinal cord which is the main communication system for everything that is going. The eyes are connected directly with the sympathetic nervous system and spinal cord. The optic tract extends to the thalamus area of the brain. This creates a close association with the hypothalamus, pituitary and pineal glands. These endocrine glands within the brain, are a major control and processing center of the entire body.
Because of this anatomy and physiology, the eyes are in direct contact with the biochemical, hormonal, structural and metabolic processes of the body via the nerves, blood vessels, lymph and connective tissue. This information is recorded in the various structures of the eye. Thus, it can be said that the eyes are a reflex or window into the bioenergetics of the physical body and a person’s feelings and thoughts.
Through the connective tissues of the irises, levels of accumulations such as pigments, markings and iris structures are valuable information in reference to the individual’s genetic weaknesses and strengths. The long fibers that look like spokes on a wheel are called trabeculae. These trabeculae create patterns that comprise the visible aspects if the iris, every feature is unique to the individual.
Health conditions that develop over time can be analyzed by changes in the iris, pupil, retina, sclera, cornea, and conjunctive. These changes in health are a function not of genetics alone but life style, the way a person eats, breathes, drinks, put on your skin, thought and emotional aspects.