Why are we trying to help others?
We are devoted in trying to help educate others about health…. Why? Because we have been in the same place as so many others have been in or are in right now. You have an illness or disease, you enter the medical system and have it treated, and it goes away…. or so you thought and it returns again and again and again. Or it returns as a different ailment, and then another different ailment…. Does this sound familiar?
Both my wife and I have had our fair share of the medical system. My wife started at age 5 and was constantly in and out of the system for 44 years. I personally started at age 3 and have been in and out of the medical system for 46 years. We both finally decided to choose a different healing path.

As we were healing our selves on our new nutritional choices and life style changes iridology came up several times in our travels. This is the science and art of reading the iris of the human body. The iris is the color portion of the human eye. Your iris is the genetic blue print of your body, inside and out. The science of iridology was a pivotal point for us understanding the human body and how all systems work in unison. So much so we both became Certified Holistic Iridologists. This then has led Ron to farther his education and become a Certified Cellular Detoxification & Tissue Regeneration Specialist.
With this priceless information my wife and I have healed our ailments and now on many others. Our understanding on health and how the body systems work along with life style choices are so effective we decided to help others just like you.
We will teach you how the human body works thru the “Laws of Nature and Physics”, what happens when you break these laws, how different systems of the body work and if these systems get interfered with the damaging effects that can happen, how proper nutrition is vital and choosing proper nutritional foods is life changing, life cleansing and life healing.
An iridology analysis is non evasive, totally pain less. You can see possible interferences that can come in the future thru epigenetic or due to life style choices. An iris analysis is achieved by either a light and magnifying lens (known as a light and lens) or using digital photography. Digital photography is great because you can have a record for future use, in comparing images if accumulations are still building or clearing out.

There is no other better feeling a healer can have when you have a client come to you in desperation, they feel they have no where else to turn, they feel no one is listening and you coach them heal themselves. A true healer can see where you are trapped and help you open your doors.
Loose your fear, trust your gut instinct. You will be amazed on how much information can be had in an iridology analysis. Don’t wait until your house is three quarters burned down before calling the fire department; call them at the first signs of smoke.

Best Money I Ever Spent
I never knew what a holistic iridologist was until I had a reading from you. I’m so amazed that someone figured out how every aliment in the body could be seen in the iris! Your reading was the best money I have ever spent. You pinpointed my aches and pains exactly. With your knowledge, I could listen to you all day long!
You mentioned you’re writing a book. I’ll be checking your website regularly to see when you finish it. I will be one of the first people buying your book! Thank you so much for your information and being so compassionate!
My Wife and I Are Believers!
A friend recommended my wife have a iridology reading completed by you. She was so impressed she made me have one as well. You showed me accumulations building in my irises and it was obvious I needed to make some changes in my life. I knew I should but just kept putting it off.
Your knowledge was impressive on how the body works and what each organ or gland represents, that alone was worth the iris reading. I’m so happy my wife told me to have an iridology reading. Your personality made us feel so comfortable. Thank you again!
Forever Grateful
I was based in Fort Hood Texas. I was shot by a sniper in Afghanistan. The bullet went into my right shoulder and exited my left shoulder. I was discharged from the military with a lot of health problems and feelings that I couldn’t understand. The military brushed it off as PTSD.
Your iridology reading put all the pieces together for me. My wife tells me I’m a completely different person now. I’m happier and when my feelings surface I can handle them now. I truly feel you saved my life and I’m forever grateful to you.
I Know I Will Beat This Cancer
I thought my world was over until I came across you at a health fair. Wow! I was amazed about the information you gave me. I have stage 4 lung cancer and no doctor gave me as much information that you did in 60 minutes. You gave me more information that I ever had with one cat scan and I have had multiple cat scans.
I didn’t realize just how many of these laws I have been abusing. It has been 3 months since I saw you and my cancer is regressing. I am feeling happier, I have so much more energy and I know I will beat this cancer.