I first saw your iridology table while strolling through a health fair. I noticed there was a table with iridology and you promoting being a holistic iridologist. I wanted to know what the difference was so I had a reading at the traditional iridology table. Then I had a reading with you. Oh my gosh what a difference! The traditional iridologist gave me information on general organ basics. Your holistic reading absolutely floored me how much information you were able to provide.
You connected the dots put together what appeared to be the terrain for accumulations to building and it pin pointed exactly where I was having health issues. You even pointed out areas that were starting to give me issues that I didn’t really think of much of. When you covered the thought and emotional aspects of iridology you nailed my personality to the “T”! I was so shocked how much you knew about me health wise and my personality when I never met you before.
I think about you quite often and am making a lot of changes, and looking at life so differently now so I can be around for a long time to enjoy my grandkids. It is obvious you are quite passionate when talking about health and iridology. I am so grateful for stopping and talking with you.

I never knew what a holistic iridologist was until I had a reading from you. I’m so amazed that someone figured out how every aliment in the body could be seen in the iris! Your reading was the best money I have ever spent. You pinpointed my aches and pains exactly. With your knowledge, I could listen to you all day long!
You mentioned you’re writing a book. I’ll be checking your website regularly to see when you finish it. I will be one of the first people buying your book! Thank you so much for your information and being so compassionate!.
Diane – Austin Texas

A friend recommended my wife have a iridology reading completed by you. She was so impressed she made me have one as well. You showed me accumulations building in my irises and it was obvious I needed to make some changes in my life. I knew I should but just kept putting it off.
Your knowledge was impressive on how the body works and what each organ or gland represents, that alone was worth the iris reading. I’m so happy my wife told me to have an iridology reading. Your personality made us feel so comfortable. Thank you again!
Keith P. – Texas

I was based in Fort Hood Texas. I was shot by a sniper in Afghanistan. The bullet went into my right shoulder and exited my left shoulder. I was discharged from the military with a lot of health problems and feelings that I couldn’t understand. The military brushed it off as PTSD.
Your iridology reading put all the pieces together for me. My wife tells me I’m a completely different person now. I’m happier and when my feelings surface I can handle them now. I truly feel you saved my life and I’m forever grateful to you.
Roger – Killeen Texas

I thought my world was over until I came across you at a health fair. Wow! I was amazed about the information you gave me. I have stage 4 lung cancer and no doctor gave me as much information that you did in 60 minutes. You gave me more information that I ever had with one cat scan and I have had multiple cat scans.
I didn’t realize just how many of these laws I have been abusing. It has been 3 months since I saw you and my cancer is regressing. I am feeling happier, I have so much more energy and I know I will beat this cancer.
Susan S. – Louisiana
New Perspective on How Body Works!
I never met you before and you knew things about my personality and health that no one knows but my family. You gave me an entire new perspective on how the body works in harmony with life and nature.
I worked on healing my forgiveness issues and I feel a hundred pound weight was lifted off me. This also stopped my addiction to comfort foods and I lost 25 pounds!
Out of the Normal Paradigm Box
The information you presented was certainly out of the normal paradigm box I was falsely led to believe for so many years. I chose to prove you wrong and low and behold, I was the one proven wrong.
I made changes in my life style and diet and I lost 18 pounds and the weight has not returned. My complexion cleared up, my stomach issues went away and I have such a positive outlook on life now.

I have had debilitating lower back issues for over 30 years. Every year it gets a little more worse, a little more worse. I have seen every specialist I could imagine. Every doctor wanted to do surgery but my gut feeling was always telling me not to. Some one referred me to you I thought to give it a try.
First of all the iridology reading was so informative it blew me away you could see that much information in such a tiny area. Every little dot or coloration meant something and confirmed exactly what I was feeling. I could sit there and listen to you all day.
I loved how you taught and gave me the knowledge so I can heal myself. That is so empowering especially when you have so little self-confidence after getting no results for over 30 plus years. I heeded your advice, made changes, and within 2-3 months I saw huge improvements. It has been 6 months now and no more back pain and I no longer take any pain medication. You truly saved my life from misery. Thank you so, so much!
Iridology Reading Was Very Inspirational
Your holistic iridology reading was very inspirational. I listened to your advice and my aches and pains are now gone and I lost a few needed pounds as well. My husband no longer thinks I am crazy. I have my life back again, thank you so much.
My wife and I came across you in Texas when you were attending a metaphysical health fair. I am still amazed on how being a holistic iridologist pin pointed our personalities, thought and emotional patterns so accurately!
Medical Circle was Not Helping
I was at my last straw. I felt so helpless. The medical circle was just treating and not helping my situation. Your holistic iridology approach allowed me to see inside me in a way that no one has ever done. In all the areas you mentioned I have medical issues. I have never met you before and for someone to see a how I was feeling really put my trust in iridology.
I have made changes in my life and can already see improvements. I cannot thank you enough for your compassion and the priceless information you have given me.

My husband and I work in the medical profession. I had a lot of trouble trying to conceive and if I did, I would miscarriage. My husband and I agreed to have you do an iridology reading and we were floored with what you saw in our irises. We followed your advice and within 6 months I became pregnant. I went to full term and had a beautiful baby girl WITH NO COMPLICATIONS AT ALL! My gynecologist was shocked.
It’s been 5 years since we saw you and we now have 3 children. Thank you again for all your help!
Cara – Fort Worth Texas

Thank you so much for being so compassionate. You treated me like a human being and not a number. You actually listened to me, I felt like you knew exactly what I am going through. I was able to remove my 10 year-long leg pains that medicine was just band-aiding. The information you showed me in your iridology reading was a big awakening for me. Thank you again.
Keith P. – Texas

I have been an insulin diabetic for over twenty years and always struggled with my weight. My wife and I attended one of your health lectures and were so impressed with what you were talking about we decided to do an iridology reading. Wow, we were so impressed when you explained how the human body should work and what happens if it is abused.
I have made big changes in my life and low and behold within three weeks I was off my insulin for the first time in twenty years! I feel great, lost about 30 pounds and love life again!
Marty – Amarillo Texas

I learned so much about how the human body works and when you break the basics of evolution, this can cause dis-ease. What impressed me the most is both of you had a long track record of chronic health issues and you were able to cure all your problems. It is very impressive both of you practice what you preach!
I took your advice and my energy level is normal again. I addressed my anger issues, I am improving my self-esteem, and am so happy I came across both of you. Looking forward to seeing you again in a year for another evaluation.
P. Young