My story begins at a young age. I was a sickly kid growing up; constantly in and out of the hospital and doctors offices.

I was diagnosed with Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia (AHA). This is when your white blood cells attack and kill your red blood cells. This was so rare back then my case was in the single digits. My blood count dropped to 3 and I received 32 blood transfusions. This stay in the hospital was almost a full year. I was so weak and bed ridden for so long my legs crippled up and I had to learn to re-walk again. There were several times my parents were told by the doctors to make final arrangements. After being sick for almost a year the autoimmune issue went away!!!

The autoimmune issue re-appeared and then again at age 8! Each time my blood count dropped to 2 or 3, with blood transfusions, with a year long hospital stay. With each episode I had to learn to walk again every time for being bed ridden so long!

Doctors surgically removed my spleen, gallbladder and appendix. From then I had never ending colds, flu’s, sinus infections, bronchitis year after year, after year. I was pelage with migraine headaches for at least 30 + years to follow.

I was diagnosed with a second auto immune issue. Immune Thromboctopenia (ITP). This is when your white blood cells attack and kill your platelets. Platelets are what stop you from bleeding. With out platelets you spontaneously bleed and can just bleed to death. About 60-70% of my body was covered by bruising. This was because my body was spontaneously bleeding inside.

Ten years later, another ITP repeat, two years later ITP again. Along with battling ITP I was diagnosed with 30 thousand extra heart beets, Gastro Paresis, acid reflux, I always had lower back pain but now it became chronic and some times debilitating lower back pain, no energy what so ever, never ending air borne allergies that kept me returning over, and over to the doctors office for sinus infections or bronchitis. Migraines about 2-3 times a week leaving me absolutely useless for the day and a portion of the next day. It seemed I would not recover at all.

By age 40, I was seeing specialist after specialist. My ITP repeats went from 2 years apart, to 1 year, to 6 months, to 2 month returns. Then by age 45, and years of being on medications, I realized the medical community had no idea how to cure me. I was a cash cow for the medical system; fed up I decided:
I’m going to do anything I can to heal MYSELF!
The Beginning of My Recovery
I began reading every natural health book I could find, vitamin books, started talking to natural health care professionals, watching videos, documentaries and everything else I could find on the internet. I also changed my eating habits and started going to a corrective spinal chiropractor. According to the health books, the spinal cord is connected to every organ, gland and most muscles in your body. So it made sense to start with making sure every cell in your body is getting the proper signals, nerve supply and blood flow to my entire body. It didn’t take long and WOW were the improvements showing fast!
I listened to my intuition and chose to do what my heart was telling me to do. It took less then a year and I was off all the doctor-prescribed medications and all my illness’s, aches, and pains had gone away!
There has been no reason to go back to a medical professional since 2012!
Certified Holistic Iridologist
This is the science of reading the color portion of your eyes; I was so intrigued by this science that I started taking classes and became a Certified Holistic Iridologist. This was a life changer for me! The knowledge gained from this science was instrumental on my road to health and now I help others do the same.

Cellular Detoxification & Tissue Regeneration Specialist
Being a holistic iridologist has led me to becoming a Cellular Detoxification and Tissue Regeneration Specialist, Weight Loss Counselor, and a Coach for improved self-care and living. These incredible accurate sciences have been around for so many years. The different natural health care modalities are a priceless asset to healing others.
I Am a True Healer
A true healer of holistic iridology can see where you are trapped and help you open your doors.
Clients have come to me in desperation; feeling they have nowhere else to turn and no one is listening, and I taught them how to heal themselves 100%. There is no other better feeling a healer can have.
Let Me Teach You!
Taking my health into my own hands was the best thing I ever did for myself, and I can teach you how to do that too! Contact me and give me a try. You will see a totally different level of caring and approach to health. If you’re not getting the results from your current approach(s), it may be time to change to a different way, and all without harmful effects to your body.